Monday, 17 November 2008

The Material Boy #184

YSL Antique Patent Leather Jonny Boot In Black

Women's heels are growing taller and taller. Sometimes I wonder how these models balance themselves at these heights.

Fortunately for men, our shoes are more sensible. But for men who needs a little help to get a bit taller, YSL has the solution for you! Introducing the YSL Antique Patent Leather Jonny Boot In Black!

Not that I need extra height, but sometimes you need a bit of new style to spice things up:-) A higher view from the top sure helps! Love the 2.5 inches heel. Very chic for men's shoe to get some height and no other than the very stylish and savvy YSL can make it work.

I am getting seriously tempted:) Love the patent leather too!

Retail price: US $780. Where to buy:


  1. I don't know but this boot scream homo. lol

  2. i highly recommend the Jonny boots. i love them! it made me understand why women like wearing heels.

  3. I bought one pair of Jonny on sale (which is rare for Jonny.) They're killing me everytime I wear, but I love them. Now I know how women feel...

  4. Just bought mine last week. I love them.

    Check my latest blog post:

  5. yes Allan, you know nothing.

  6. I need to try some Jonny boots! I want to be taller:-)

  7. I have a pair (the wing tip ones) and I love them!!!

    I really want this pair. Too bad they won't be on sale. Although I think the green pair might be.

  8. These are lovely! I would want to get one soon:-)

  9. Dear Allan, exactly how many fashionable homos do you know that wear beautiful boots like these, cos I want to meet ALL of them! Don't knock them till you try them! I just bought my 4th pair of Johnny boots. I'm 5'10" and don't need the extra height but OMG you feel like a supermodel in them. I suggest everyone try them on before judging them...
