Sunday, 12 April 2009

My MANy Bags Trendspotting #26

Below: I know summer is here...but I love his tweed coat and how the deep maroon scarf contrast the earth tones. The touch of having a short leather vest under his jacket is simply chic!:-)

Below: Love the hat!

Below: Never knew Margiela Shades can be this interesting:-P X-men's Cyclops?

Below: Duffel coat in it!

Below: Coat over shoulders...

Introducing The Fashionist...

The best inspirations in fashion comes not from the pretty editorials we see in magazines (they can be visually revolutionary and stunning, but only when you have a model's physique/face and stay glamorous 24/7), I would say it comes from what every day people on the street wears.

Bloggers such as sartorialist, altamiranyc, garance dore, facehunter have each successfully brought reality to the ethereal world of fashion. Their sharp eye has capture fashion on people living and breathing in the real world and given us inspirations of what trends and ideas are currently adored now.

Here's another blog to add to the list, Do check out his contributions (for both men and women) in bringing some inspirations to how we can dress:-) I love real people with real fashion ideas. They make fashion more attainable and fun.

Here's some looks that I love from browsing Fosco's blog. Thanks for the email! As for the rest of you, enjoy the pics! Makes me wanna head off to Europe to do people watching:-P



  1. Me too! I love the colours with that splash of maroon on the scarf. And the leather vest under is genius:-)

    how about the 2nd look? Cool formal tops with a casual bottom..jeans and waist chain:-P

  2. I love the first two boys.

    I could marry them.

  3. I've been looking and looking for a beige trench like what the last guy has on him. I don't have a nice jacket for spring. Love look # 2.
