Tuesday 29 September 2009

Au Revoir London!

Goodbye And So Long London!

Had been a full day without accessing the internet. I had been relaxing in my friend's countryside home for some of the most peaceful and well-fed weekend break. I had not had such good sleep and eaten so well. My friend has a quiet home and he is a great cook!

So after getting back to London yesterday morning, I was busy savouring every last minute of my time here in London. Shopping, sightseeing...thanks to my friend James who took me to the southbank for a wonderful 'excursion' to see Tower Bridge and the areas around it.

Will post more pics later! And I had wonderful last minute shopping done. Now wallet emptied, luggage packed...it's time to leave this wonderful city! But I will be back! London is a love love relationship:-P

Au Revoir! Bon voyage to me...

Next stop, the city of angels (Bangkok) for some jet-lag soothing massages and pool time!

See U guys in a bit!


  1. I wasn't able to see much of London during my first visit. A second one is def in order! Hope you take great memories of London home with you.

    You're def on vacation mode, eh? Bang-cock, ooops, Bangkok next huh? Enjoy!

  2. I have a love love relationship with London, too. Especially because I have friends over there. :-)
