Sam Worthington Wears Burberry To Golden Globes and 62nd Annual Directors Guild Of America AwardsMale celebrites who want impeccable style for red carpet events need no other brands but to turn to
Burberry, as the result is always positive. So current Avatar hearthrob, Sam Worthington
(He's taken:-( Sob sob...) wears Burberry to the one 2 of the biggest Hollywood events just last Saturday. At the
62nd Annual Directors Guild Of America Awards, Sam's open shirt and sleek black suit wins my vote! His 'tie attire' for
Golden Globes could loose half an inch on the legs... it seem to gather a bit too much.
I am keenly awaiting Sam's next blockbuster, remake of 'Clash of the Titans'. Hawt!
Source: Burberry
wow, he looks great! great post!