Below: Marcelo with his star studded t-shirt and smart jacket...
Below: Star studs may look overwhelming on its own, but when worn under the blazer with the right amount showing, it's an interesting detail for the smart look...
Below: Star shape studs are a major detail in Givenchy's Spring Summer 2010 collection...
Star Studded Shirts
Just check out this cute guy, Marcelo Burlon who is apparently a magazine editor, stylist, fashion/launch event organiser and more. But what caught my attention is not his multi-tasking abilities but his star studded t-shirt peeking out with just the right amount under his smart military style jacket. I am not sure if the t-shirt is from Givenchy (closely resembling the pieces from Spring Summer 2010 collection) but I am convinced I heart those gold star studs. Especially when worn with discretion, it is simply attention grabbing without being visually vulgar. I heart!
I can't wait for Givenchy to open in Singapore. We want more Riccardo Tisci:-)
Source: Givenchy, All the pretty birds
Tha's Givenchy for sure, Marcelo is Riccardo Tisci's best friend. He was also his firet PR.