Friday, 16 September 2011

My MANy Bags News #343

Below: A night to remember... Lanvin's Fall Winter 2011 Presentation last evening by Club 21 challenges perceptions of a fashion presentation and raise benchmarks for future events... Applause!
Below: Thru clever use of mirrors, lighting, precise position of props and models... this Lanvin Fashion presentation masterfully blends fashion with art... I feel like I am watching a LIVE art installation. I feel so inspired!

Lanvin Fall Winter 2011 Fashion Presentation: A Most Inspiring Evening

Last evening (15 Sep 2011) was a night to remember. I attend Club 21’s Fall Winter 2011 Lanvin Presentation with no expectations for the unexpected. I was assuming it was just another cocktails and canapĂ© party followed by a big bang catwalk and off we go home after snapshots and flashbulbs bursting.

I was wrong. Behind those heavy velvet curtains and the facade of party moods and flamboyant guests was an experience waiting to change perceptions and challenge conventions. When the time comes to usher the guests into the Hilton Hotel Ballroom, we see nothing of a runway. No seats. No thumping music except classical sounds of violin playing and complete darkness. All of a sudden, a light switched on over one of the 4 showcases within the room and we are immediately presented with an artistic portrait of frenzied objects and beautiful Lanvin-clad models in suspended animation. At first they felt like an art piece, then you realised this was real people and props elevated against gravity. I was thinking, are those models floating? How did they managed to keep the furniture and props in suspension? Wires? No way. The urge for answers strongly beckons.

Only when you step closer... will you realise, thru the clever use of enormous mirrors angled against the backdrop, it reflects the models and props artfully laid on the ground to achieve this impressive effect. The composition was precise. The models positioned at the exact angle. No longer was Lanvin’s Fall Winter collection just mere fashion. The already fabulous pieces have extended beyond and into the artistic territory of a LIVE art installation. Bravo!

Each showcase was a new surprise. From flurry of birds fluttering all around the models to dramatic ascension of classic armchairs and side table to models in a flustered moment of passion... this was the most thought provoking and amazing show I have ever witnessed. All achieved thru ingenuity and models lying on the floor. Fascinating and big applause to Club 21 for a fantastic night of inspirations. This presentation just created a new benchmark on how we will perceive fashion presentations from now on.

Enjoy the many pictures from last night on my facebook fanpage.
'LIKE' my fanpage if you enjoy reading this post.

Below: Watch the highly entertaining Lanvin Fall Winter 2011 Ad Campaign video... Love it!

Source: myMANybags, Club 21 Global

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