Saturday, 17 November 2012

My Shopping Conquest #131 + My Shoe Collection #58 + My Bag Collection #69

Below: My Maison Martin Margiela with H&M shopping hauls...I chanced upon this supposedly sold out 'Jacket with Fused  details' today. Loving the Trompe L'oeil lapels, buttons and pockets!

Below: Tried the jacket with Prada's crazy guns printed shirt... love the combination:-P
The Story of My Maison Martin Margiela with H&M Shopping Hauls. Prada 'Cameo' Included

I never expected I would be shopping more than I should for Maison Martin Margiela with H&M collection that was launched just this Thurs. Looking at lookbook pictures is one thing, but observing the incredible detailing, finishing and material up close and personal takes my admiration to a whole new level. Of course, that is not to say this collaboration collection can surpass the actual Margiela brand... but at such good price points offered by H&M with these standards, this collection is a real keeper. By far, the best for H&M's designer collaborations.

I had commited to myself to only buy the 'Fusion of 2 shirts' as the trophy piece to invest for the Margiela with H&M collection. I wanted to rein myself in but things often have a way of going beyond expectations. So one thing leads to another and the fashion gods have their plans to decreed how my bank account will be depleted.

I got an XS size for the 'Fusion of 2 shirts' on Thurs but found the size way smaller than what my usual H&M XS sizes were. I was suffocating in the shirt and had no choice but to return the item for a refund today. As today is the deadline for returns for all purchases made on the launch day (H&M has a 3 day refund policy), if lady luck permits, some coveted pieces may find their way back to the racks. That is exactly what I had hoped for, in order to replace this 'loss'. I love the shirt and hence a replacement is paramount to ease the disappointment. Call that a 'shopaholic withdrawal syndrome':-P

Miraculously, the fashion gods must have took pity on my 'ailment' and granted me the chance to fill that 'micro size' void in my closet. I chanced upon another prized piece of the Maison Martin Margiela with H&M collection befitting the replacement for my returned shirt:-P Yes, I found the 'Jacket with fused details' which I regretted not buying on launch day! 

Bagaholicboy had been clamouring to me about the interesting trompe l'oeil details on the lapels, pockets and even buttons. I was not convinced then, but when I saw the real piece, it spelled Kevin right away. Furthermore, how fortunate can you get when a sold out piece miraculously appear in your size without you actively looking. The only question left: To buy or not to buy? A split second hesitation later,  I 'subcumbed' to fate. Made my way to the cashier and ended with more things than I was supposed to from the collection. Throw in another pair of shoes and my shopping day was declared a resounding success:-P  I left the store with a victorious grin. 

Below: I ended up with more Maison Martin Margiela with H&M pieces than I should have...

As ecstatic as I was,  I even went to Prada to try out the FW2012 guns print shirt (Justin O'Shea, buying director of wore the shirt and got me inspired) with my new Margiela with H&M 'Jacket with Fused Details'. Happy Margiela indeed I am. Prada shirt is next on my wishlist:-) What a fruitful day of shopping adventures... 

More pics of my Maison Martin Margiela with H&M shopping finds on my facebook fanpage. 'LIKE' my fanpage if you enjoy reading this post.

Source: H&M, Guerreisms

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