Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Test Driving The LG New Chocolate Phone!

Below: The packaging looks sleek, since it is 'tiny' as compared to other phone packaging:-P

LG's New Chocolate Phone Is In My Hands!

Yes, I have been test driving the New LG Chocolate Phone since last weekend:-) Will have a review soon since I am due to return the phone this coming Friday.

And stay tuned, LG has kindly sponsored a giveaway on my blog! Watch this space for the details! Thank you LG!


  1. OMG!!!
    i want it! i want it LG! xD
    LG's chocolate phones r always ass kickers :)

  2. Oh...pls post ur review cos im considering to take this phone...it's so sleek & trendy.

    Btw, the length of the phone look longer than other phones...am i rite?

  3. Hi Jeron, it's about 13cm long:-P Yes, longer than normal phones. But it is a good grip since the phone is slim:-)
