Gucci Canvas/Leather High Top Sneakers
I have put off my search for a pair of white high top sneakers for a while now. Distracted by clothes and other bags....but now I continue my search again for my white high tops. This is one of the shortlisted. Gucci's Canvas/Leather High Top Sneakers. It features a black and white contrasting sole branded with Gucci Script logo and open studs and Gucci Crest symbol decorating the sides. Comes in 2 variants, one of which is black and white while the other has red leather trimming for a more outstanding colour scheme. These high tops look amazing with skinny pants, especially the checkered ones...I so lust for those pants which is not available in Singapore stores.
Retail price: Euro $385. Where to buy: www.gucci.com
Hello BagaholicBoy. I was wondering if you know what's the price for the gucci checkered pants with ankle straps. Thanks alot. Loves Lukas
Hi Lukas, you got the wrong person. This is not bagaholic boy's blog. This is Kevin's blog. hahaha. I am not sure what the gucci pants will cost. But the non ankle strap version costs SGD 810. While those with leather piping and laces cost around SGD $1610(as stated in our local men style magazine).
hope this helps! Cheers, kevin
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