Below: It's a Nokia E71!

Below: Such a sleek device and with a qwerty keypad! Holy Moley!

Below: Accessories galore...

Below: Behold the technological beauty of Nokia E71!

Below: Red velvet lined slim leather pouch..

Below: Good size and weight..

Below: Not to mention...SLIM as well...

Nokia E71 In Grey Steel
Thanks to the lovely ladies from Womworld, I am being offered another opportunity to trial a new device from Nokia. And this time, it's the super sleek Nokia E71 mobile phone:-)
The DHL man delivered the package to my doorstep this Monday morning. It really perk me up:-) What a pleasant way to start the work week. I rushed home immediately after work and was so excited to open up the package and see/hold the device in real.
My excitement and all the anticipation do not disappoint. As the package is being slowly uncovered, the sturdy packaging unveiled one of the most immaculate and sleek devices I have seen. I am so surprised by the choice of materials and most of all, how everything is so slim and light-weight! Oh wow. The body of the phone is cast in shiny chrome metal, with a tiny checks etched pattern at the back. The phone features not a typical mobile phone keypad...but a qwerty version:-P Perfect for those long SMS texting! The phone weighs nicely in your palm, definitely quality construction from quality material choices. Sturdy and very sleek.
The accessories are a standard set of ear piece, battery and the smallest, lightest phone charger ever. This is just perfect for travelling. To add to the aesthetic appeal of the shiny device, a slim leather pouch and strap lined in red velvet is included.
I like how everything is well thought of and you truly do get impressed even at first look.
The phone comes with a 3.2 megapixel camera and should be more than enough to satisfy that 'photobug' in you.:-) Apparently from what I can gather, this phone is a truly multi media marvel. Hopefully, the 'technology imbecile' in me can fully exploit the features of this hi tech device:-) Wish me luck!
I shall do more test on functionality when I start reading the manual and using the phone.
Next up...the new E71 website that I had the privilege of having a preview. Thanks to Steph again! This is another great opportunity beyond the Nokia 8800 Carbon Arte trial. I am smiling! Dun we all love technology!
Hey Sweets, Did they gave you the phone or you gotta returned it? What happen to ya Nokia Arte? BTW, Love the blog! =)
Oh, I have to return to them in 2 weeks time. It's for trial purposes:-)
Ooh! We're phone twins! My bro got me this phone when I visited. Initially he got me a Samsung touchscreen which I hated and lost its stylus at zouk after using it for like 1 week. So I chose this phone instead and love it! I'm going to be a Nokia girl for life. Their user-interface is muuuccch better than most brands out there.
Hahaha...siowwei...indeed, phone twins. I love this phone...the user experience even at the start is already very enjoyable. Such abreeze to use and jam-packed with features.
Very cool indeed. I may get this after the trial since my phone contract will be up for renewal soon.:-P
Cool. I will be getting this model from WOM after my trial with the N85 ends...
Oh BB, this is one of the best phones I have used in a long time:-P My Prada phone sucks, my friends Samsung is a dud and the Nokia carbon arte 8800 is too user not friendly in terms of the keypad, plus 'too basic' features.
This is good, the keypad is a pleasure to use although the keys are small. The pressure to press each key is very comfortable.:-) I love it.
And it is pretty affordable with a contract here as well:-)
Happy trial!
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