Prada Infusion D'Homme Fragrance - A Short Movie Project
In a continuation of the support in innovation and experimentation, Prada has commissioned nine directors from different parts of the world to create a series of short movie as inspired by the new Infusion D'homme fragrance. I love the clips as featured on the Prada website (www.prada.com), shows a different perspective on how different cultures interpret the concept and their own style and unique vision that is reflective of where they are from.
The french submission is my favourite. Named 'To Myself', it's a story of how one should set about fulfilling his life, dare to dream and to look forward and not backwards in life. Very meaningful and sweet.
Can you belive that I was jaluose on one of my friends cause she had D'infusion for women and I couldn't get it! Now finally we can buy it too...
Yes, this is my next fragrance purchase. I was really satisfied with my prada fragrance for men. Al used up! So definitely will try this one:-)
Do you like the clip?
I love Pradas clips in general. the thing with Miuccia is that she is very cultivated, the foundation that Prada have is very well thought of in the elitclasses of Italy so are their tast for architecture and style. The always put an extra effeort to make everything smarter if i can put it in that way.
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