Sunday, 4 April 2010

Great Minds Think Alike #23

Below: The 'NEW' Collier De Chien?:-P

Below: The highly coveted real deal from Hermès...

The 'NEW' Collier De Chien: Givenchy style?!?!

Does this leather cuff from Givenchy's pre-fall 2010 collection send familiar chills down your spine? If your answer is yes and it looked hauntingly familiar from the house of Hermès...their infamous Collier De Chien, then you share my sentiments. Those huge square studs and broad leather band design definitely show signs of great minds thinking alike. Like a contemporary revamped version of the classic CDC. Love it? Or the real things still wins? Of course, CDC wins... but I do not mind Givenchy either. Gimme both anyday!:-P

Source: Hermès, Givenchy


Snappy said...

The cuffs are brilliantly done. Love the combination of materials. Something a mans wardrobe should never be without! Very snappy.
snappy x

tedoré said...

i preffer Givenchy ones

Bagaholicboy said...

Topshop has a matte version for just SGD39. Sad, but true.

SGS said...

It's different because in Givenchy version those are not the studs but the stones, it's kind of more fresh

Unknown said...

OMG! I love Collier De CHien.. I am a little sad though! It was faster for my mother to order her Birkin then to order the Collier De Chien, how friggin amazing are these pieces.. I got my Rivale and now I cant wait for this!!