Below: Boys are 'licensed' for the furry tails+clutch look for Fall Winter 2011... Costume National's Fall Winter 2011 Mens Collection affirms it!

Below: First spotted on Céline's Prefall 2011 collection, the furry tail on clutch look was love at first sight. Now I want to adopt the look even more!

Furry Tail Accessory On Clutches: Costume National Fall Winter 2011 Mens Collection
After seeing Céline's Prefall 2011 collection, featuring lots of furry tail accessory attached to clutches... I immediately dive into the look. I am temporarily using my Gucci Raccoon Tail as a stand-in. I want a bigger and longer one:-) And come Fall 2011, I am definitely making them a must buy. But is the look too feminine? Need affirmation for the boys to adopt the look? Look no further, Italian brand, Costume National's Fall Winter 2011 Mens Collection features a look with exactly the same styling. Needless to say, this just made me want the 'accessory+clutch' look even more. Boys are 'licensed' for the look now:-P
Source: Céline, Costume National
The look isn't too 'feminine' per se.
It just has to take the right attitude to pull it off. Someone with a quirky, yet masculine vibe would be able to do so... and loads of guys will not be able to carry it off!
It does look ferminine I have to say
Lovely clutch
well... Lanvin AW2011 Mens have fox tail on their tote bag too!!! <3
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